
Food Fight! Battle of the Bulge, Caveman Style

Whenever I hear the phrase “food combat,” I am right away transported back to the eating corridor at Faber College. John Belushi, “Pluto,” is stuffing his face at the same time as being informed that he’s a “P-I-G pig.” In reaction, he asks, “See if you may bet what I am now?” John stuffs a rounded ball of mashed potatoes into his mouth and breaks his cheeks with his clenched fists. As white, clumpy count number explodes throughout each person, he yells, “I’m a zit. Get it?” Chaos erupts. John is chased everywhere in the dining corridor, and ultimately, he yells, “Food Fight!” Without hesitation, there’s more food inside the air than at the tables. Yes, a conventional scene from the film Animal House. But this is not the sort of meal combat I’m alluding to inside the title. We are fighting our lives in opposition to food, horrific meals, and meals that make us fat and physically and psychologically bothered. This is our modern food combat.

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For the maximum of my existence, I suffered from what doctors name IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I called it my faulty, broken piece of crap stomach. From a completely early age, I was poked, prodded, and examined, even as every doctor advised me the identical element, “I can not discover anything incorrect.” Yet, there has been a primary hassle. My stomach seemed to hate meals. After 40-plus years, I ultimately figured it out; it’s not that my frame does not like food; it’s that it doesn’t like certain foods, and now, not the ingredients commonly are the notion as difficult. In a glorious “Ah ah” moment,

I realized what needed to have been obvious to all my docs. All I must do is keep away from positive meals, and I am symptom-free. No extra morning belly aches, running to the bathroom, or my GI tune feeling find it irresistible was installed in a vehicle battery via jumper cables. Today, my stomach not feels defective. I ought to keep the meals away from our bread (wheat gluten) and sugar and restrict my fruit intake.

As I began to do an increasing number of research (thank God for the Internet), I realized that for hundreds of hundreds of years, Man did now not eat bread. In reality, Man did not consume beans, Belushi’s potatoes, pasta, and an entire host of foods normally eaten up nowadays.

I realized that I had changed my eating regimen to the weight loss plan of my ancestors. I had emerged as a caveman! In the system, I had a delivered benefit. I’m 5’10”. I went from weighing 185 lbs. Down to a hundred and fifty kg. Earlier than settling at one hundred sixty lbs. I went from a 34-inch waist to a 31. Wow! Not the best change in my belly constantly, but I became in tremendous form.

When people talk about weight loss plans, they frequently do it transiently. They have a weight intention in mind. The war, regularly achieving their aim handiest to stop consuming what prompted them to lose weight and go back to business regularly. As a result, they placed the load right lower back on, commonly with a few bonus kilos beside. The food plan is what I eat now, not only for the moment but all the time. Even greater so, it is what I don’t devour. Cavemen did now not drink soda, bake bread, consume processed meals, or stop off for “junk meals.” I do not, either. Our ancestors were on to something, which is now another time gaining momentum and recognition.

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All around the world, Blogs are performing regarding this insurrection towards the junk. This is being mass-produced and marketed to us as meals by large companies. One of my favorites is Cooking Caveman with Jeff Nimoy. Here, Jeff stocks his caveman recipes; all-natural, no wheat, no sugar, no crap. More than anything, Jeff shares his food experiments, maximum success, a few, now not so much, displaying that there are creative answers to cooking without dangerous current-day materials. That cooking caveman style may be delicious,

as well as amusing. Books like The Evolutionary Diet: What and How We Were Designed to Eat and Lose Weight Fast with the Caveman Diet have found bookshelves. We are given the weapons and tools to wage conflict against processed, speedy, high-carb, sugary, dangerous food. This makes our society increasingly resemble the characters who gave up on foot in the past inside the film WALL-E.

When I proportion my thoughts on this idea, human beings examine me like I’m nuts. “Not consume the bread. I love bread. How can I now not consume bread,” is a regular reaction. And then, after I say that I hardly ever eat sugar (I allow myself some dark chocolate occasionally), they begin slowly backing up as though I am threatening their very existence. And, almost usually, it’s assumed that I ration my meal consumption. I don’t!

I consume large food. I love ingesting. For breakfast, I eat eggs with sugar-free chook sausage or ground turkey. I devour a huge salad with healthy lettuce, bell peppers, avocado, and cucumber and top it with bird or floor turkey for lunch. I get dressed in sparkling squeezed lemon and further virgin olive oil. I eat another huge salad with a major course of chook, fish, or beef and a side of vegetables for dinner. I also make pasta using white or brown rice pasta and make my sauce (watch your labels on pasta sauce, many are complete with sugar). In truth, I’m no longer creating a big sacrifice:

No wheat, speedy food, processed food, and very little sugar or carbohydrates. After three years, no large deal. And, I nevertheless weigh a hundred and sixty lbs as I near the massive 5-zero. While I’m not residing 100% caveman, I am close; let’s accept it if Caveman ought to have a killer California zinfandel or a few darkish chocolates, they would in a heartbeat. Again, it is about moderation.

As a therapist, I am all about operating to create advantageous trade; how can I help others (in addition to myself) create insights to permit them to transcend, become empowered, and attract happiness into their lives? Do yourself a desire. Try consuming Caveman per week.

You may discover that after a few days of feeling a chunk bizarre (your frame will begin ridding itself of all the toxins created by consuming dangerous ingredients), you’ll start to sense top-notch. Don’t suppose or say I’m occurring a diet. Instead, consider making a new food regimen/lifestyle for yourself. I hope to make the perception that, if you’re reading this, you’re probably feeling tired, have low strength, maybe a chunk depressed, and feel unmotivated. Why?

Because you’re filling yourself up with contaminated gas, think approximately it. Would you place 50 octanes on your vehicle if this aspect existed? Of direction no longer. Stop giving yourself tainted fuel. This may be hard at the start. But, as I am keen on pronouncing, “There is not any excellent without hard.”

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At last, you are what you take in emotionally, psychologically, and bodily. To be emotionally and psychologically happy, you need to avoid terrible thoughts that create poor emotions (in the end, an idea comes earlier than a sense-many humans get this backward) and, instead, connect to a superb mind to embrace tremendous human values. To be a bodily suit, you want to avoid poisonous meals that make you feel terrible.

As an alternative, eat the ingredients you were supposed to devour for the purpose you to experience properly. The combination of tremendous thoughts and a wholesome weight loss plan will open the door for happiness to enter your existence. So, begin wondering like a troglodyte and start your combat against bad food these days.

The best component that you have to lose is your stomach! Rod Louden is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist/ Board Certified Professional Counselor in Woodland Hills, California. He is married and has one toddler. Rod graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder, obtaining a Bachelor’s diploma in Clinical Psychology. Rod received his Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University in Los Angeles. Rod also holds a vocational degree in music from the Musicians Institute in Hollywood, California.

Jeffery D. Silvers
Love and share my articles, I will be happy to react on it ! Spent 2002-2009 promoting weed whackers in Edison, NJ. Earned praise for importing junk food for fun and profit. Spent 2001-2006 exporting teddy bears in Atlantic City, NJ. Had some great experience investing in tattoos in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Spent 2002-2007 selling action figures in the aftermarket. Enthusiastic about working on basketballs on the black market.