
Important Home Exterior Spring Cleaning Tips

During winters, homes are affected by pretty extreme conditions. It is important to inspect the exterior to identify needed small repairs. Taking care of them whenever they are seen will prevent much more expensive future repairs. This is why the next home outer spring cleaning tips are essential and must be remembered.

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Roofing Inspection

When snowfall hits the home, there is always the possibility that ice damming will appear. This happens as a large snow accumulation melts and transforms into ice. Ice can form a barrier that will prevent proper drainage of melting snow. Then, water can re-freeze and damage shingles. Be sure to look for water stains around your interior walls and windows. These are clear signs that ice damming was present.

Downspouts And Eavestrough

Most leaks happen because of a build-up of pinecones, twigs, leaves, etc. They will cause overflowing of drain water. Also, the eavestrough sealant might have cracked. You can fix this by using exterior silicone applied at joints and corners. However, talking to a professional gutter repair company in Denver is important. The professionals’ work is always much better, and you can also be sure that the positioning of your downspouts is proper.

Windows And Caulking

After winters, are sure that you check for the presence of cracked or missing caulking joining in window siding; when you see that caulking is missing or is close to falling off, blanks have to be filled with the use of exterior grade polyurethane or silicone. At the same time, be sure that you look for window moisture signs. When you see this, it means seals are separated and have to be repaired. Contractors can help you fix this, but your window will eventually need to be replaced if you postpone the repair.

Siding And Stucco

Stucco and siding finishes are essential as a defense against weather elements. When vinyl siding is present, all pieces have to be properly placed. The siding lap can easily come unhooked if high winds are current. Maintenance is similar to windows with wood frames if you have wood siding. The quality of wood stain and paint has to be checked. You need to scrape, sand, and then paint the wood stain if cracks are seen.


The foundation can easily be considered the most important of all the home parts. A foundation is responsible for supporting the entire house. If small foundation cracks appear during winter, you do not have to worry about them too much. However, when you see a big shot, you should know that the repair is costly, and more future problems appear whenever the fix is improper. Remember that foundation issues are severe. Be sure to contact foundation repair specialists whenever you notice any problem since this must always be properly repaired.

Jeffery D. Silvers
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