
Expert Locksmith Tips to Help Keep Your Home Safe

With the accelerating crime and break-in rates, a simple lock is hardly enough to keep your family and your belongings safe from the clutches of nefarious criminals and thieves. These illicit people have more advanced tools and plan to trespass on your property, putting you at risk today. It becomes vital to implement more resourceful safety measures on your property to prevent these criminals from encroaching on your property, thereby keeping your family away from peril. It is necessary to secure all the entry points to your house to augment the security of your environment.


Below are some professional tips from trained locksmiths to help secure your premises.

Home Security System

The most productive manner to secure your property would be to install a home security system in the key positions of your house. This will help you keep track of anyone present on your property or trying to intrude on your premises. This would also make for evidence to legal and law enforcement authorities if needed.


Using deadbolts is highly recommended, as even if your front door has a lock on it, there is a likelihood that it is not infallible. An intruder with lock-breaking equipment could easily enter your house through this door. Installing a hardened steel deadbolt with an extension to the door jamb would be an ideal choice. This extra protection would be an assurance against an external force trying to kick open the door. If you have partial windows in your door, you might consider installing a double-cylinder deadbolt door lock, as it can be unlocked only with the help of a key.

Locking Your Windows

The windows in your house are potential entry points for burglars as well. If your windows do not have window bars, you could consider investing in high-quality locks, like deadbolts or pin locks. Moreover, you could also replace the existing glass with reinforced glass for added protection.

Garage and Sheds

Make sure that you have your garage and shed locked at all times, whether you are present on the property or not. Garages are a storehouse of a plethora of equipment that could be used to break into your house with ease. It has ladders, electric equipment, crowbars, screwdrivers, and other hardware that could be used to put into your premises. Ladders could also access the rooftop and windows on the house’s top floors.

Furthermore, burglaries and criminals can use them as hideout spots to catch you off guard. Therefore, keeping your garages and sheds locked at all times is highly advised. You could consult a professional locksmith to assess your property and counsel you on implementing security measures in your house. Express Locksmiths, Ottawa, could help you ensure your protection and assist you in administering safety measures on your property.

Jeffery D. Silvers
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