In many cases, architecture school is much more challenging than students expect. The degree can be grueling, but this does not mean that school cannot be fun. Everything is difficult, but things can change if you know what to do. If you want to become an OZ student housing architect or go through any architecture course/program, here are some tips that will help you much more than you think.
Wisely Manage Time
It would help if you accepted that most of your time would be spent inside a studio. This is why you should start as early as you can during the morning. As you do this, there is a much higher possibility that you can leave before midnight hits. Architecture school is renowned for the numerous late nights students go through. Always start the day early to avoid this as much as possible.
Develop A Normal Sleeping Schedule
Sleeping can become problematic for architecture students, but it is a necessity. You need to sleep, and you need to be sure that your schedule is a normal one. You are going through an all-nighter will do much harm, even if it does not seem like it when it happens. Inspiration will rarely hit you late at night, and the best ideas you will ever have as an architect or a student architect will come when you are rested. Do prioritize sleep whenever you can, besides wisely managing your time.
Expand The Network You Have Access To
Being social and a part of a community is of great help during architecture school. Join an architecture club and meet new friends outside the school environment. You must also spend time alone, doing other things you love. Except for the week when the deadline is close, you should have one night every week when all you do is relax. Even something as simple as watching movies on Netflix can help you keep your sanity.
Get Ready For Harsh Critique
Jury reviews are often ruthless. The project you worked hard on for over ten weeks can be destroyed in ten minutes. What has to be remembered is that architecture is highly subjective. What a person labels as complete garbage can be seen as a true innovation by someone else. Critique must be taken into consideration but should never be taken to heart. Always be proud of your work since it is your vision.
Don’t Forget About Other Classes.
Non-architecture courses will have an impact on GPA. Being able to graduate when this should impact you. Look at available classes and use them to expand your horizons. This makes you a much better architect in the long run.
Often Save Your Work
Last but not least, the most important shortcut you have to remember is CTRL+S. All your files need to be backed up on an external hard drive, and you should save your work as often as possible.